Embark on a mischievous adventure with Naughty Boy, a game that immerses you in the whimsical world of a lively and cunning young boy. Your mission is to help him carry out an array of pranks without getting caught, using various toys and objects within his reach. As you successfully complete each trick, you'll find yourself celebrating with a triumphant dance!
Boasting high-quality graphics and engaging 3D animations, this family-friendly simulator offers an entertaining home adventure that promises to be the perfect prank game. Ideal for testing your strategic thinking and IQ, the game is also an excellent anti-stress experience, providing a delightful escape as you orchestrate clever antics with your virtual youngster.
Whether you're engaging in this playful escapade alone or sharing the laughter with friends and family, downloading Naughty Boy for a laughter-filled time is a wise choice. Join in the fun and embrace your inner prankster with this engaging simulator.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.1 or higher required
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